Mustafa Kemal Ataturk The great leader of Turks         Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (19 May 1881 - 10 November 1938) was a Turkish army officer, revolutionary, and the first President of Turkey. He is credited with being the founder of the Republic of Turkey. His surname, Ataturk (meaning "Father of the Turks"), was granted to him in 1934 and forbidden to any other person by the Turkish parliament.

        Ataturk was a military officer during World War I. Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, he led the Turkish National Movement in the Turkish War of Independence. Having established a provisional government in Ankara, he defeated the forces sent by the Allies. His military campaigns led to victory in the Turkish War of Independence. Ataturk then embarked upon a program of political, economic, and cultural reforms, seeking to transform the former Ottoman Empire into a modern and secular nation-state. Under his leadership, thousands of new schools were built, primary education was made free and compulsory, and women were given equal civil and political rights, while the burden of taxation on peasants was reduced. His government also carried out an extensive policy of Turkification. The principles of Ataturk's reforms, upon which modern Turkey was established, are referred to as Kemalism.
Military Accomplishments
  • 1880 Winter, Mustafa (Kemal Ataturk) born in Salonica
  • 1888, All Riza, Mustafa's father, dies
  • 1893, Mustafa enters military preparatory school in Salonica
  • 1899 13 March, Mustafa Kemal enters infantry class of War College in Istanbul
  • 1902 10 February, Commissioned Second Lieutenant, and enters Staff College
  • 1903, Promoted First Lieutenant
  • 1905 11 January, Passes out as Staff Captain and is posted for Fifth Army in Syria; revives a secret opposition group in Damascus
  • 1906, Makes clandestine trip to Salonica
  • 1907 20 June, Promoted Adjutant-Major
  • 1907 13 October, Posted to Third Army headquarters in Salonica
  • 1908 22 June, Appointed to Inspectorate of Eastern Railways in Rumelia
  • 1908 24 July, Young Turk Revolution
  • 1908 September, Mustafa Kemal travels to Tripoli and Benghazi to re-establish CUP
  • 1909 13 January, Appointed chief of staff of i7th reserve division in Salonica
  • 1909 13 April, Travels with his division to the outskirts of Istanbul; 31 March Incident
  • 1909 27 April, Abdulhamit II deposed and succeeded by Mehmet V; 31 March Incident
  • 1910 September, Visits French army manoeuvres in Picardy;
  • 1910 September, Takes part in suppress of Albanian revolt
  • 1911 15 January, Appointed to 5th army corps headquarters
  • 1911 January, Commander 38th infantry regiment
  • 1911 13 September, Posted to general staff in Istanbul;
  • 1911 September, Volunteers for service against the Italians in Cyrenaica
  • 1911 27 November, Promoted Major
  • 1912 11 March, Appointed commander of Derne sector in Cyrenaica; Italo-Turkish War
  • 1912 8 October, First Balkan War
  • 1912 8 October, Salonica falls to the Greeks
  • 1912 24 October, Mustafa Kemal leaves Cyrenaica and returns to Istanbul
  • 1912 25 November, Appointed director of operations of Straits Composite Force
  • 1913 23 January, CUP seizes power Coup of 1913
  • 1913 24 March, Edirne falls to the Bulgarians
  • 1913 29 June, Second Balkan War
  • 1913 21 July, Ottomans reoccupy Edirne
  • 1913 29 September, Treaty of Istanbul fixes Turkish-Bulgarian frontier
  • 1913 27 October, Mustafa Kemal appointed military attache in Sofia
  • 1914 1 March, Mustafa Kemal promoted Lieutenant-Colonel
  • 1914 28 July, Austria declares war on Serbia; beginning of First World War
  • 1914 2 August, Ottoman Empire signs Ottoman-German Alliance.
  • 1914 29 October, After Pursuit of Goeben and Breslau Ottoman navy under German command shells Russian targets
  • 1914 2 November, Russia declares war on Ottoman Empire
  • 1914 5 November, Britain declares war on Ottoman Empire
  • 1914 5 November, France declares war on Ottoman Empire
  • 1915 20 January, Mustafa Kemal leaves Sofia to take up appointment as commander of 19th division for service in Battle of Gallipoli
  • 1915 21 March, Allied navy fails to force the straits at Naval operations in the Dardanelles Campaign
  • 1915 27 April, Allied troops Landing at Anzac Cove faced with Mustafa
  • 1915 6 August, Final attempts made by the British at Battle of Sari Bair faced with Mustafa
  • 1919 30 April, Appointed the Inspector of the Ninth Army Troops.
  • 1919 19 May, Kemal lands in Samsun.
  • 1919 8 July, Mustafa Kemal resigns from the post of Inspector of Third Army and from the army.
  • 1919 23 July, Kemal elected Chairman of Erzurum Congress.
  • 1920 23 April, Kemal opens the Grand National Assembly (BMM) in Ankara.
  • 1920 11 May, Kemal is condemned to death by the government in Istanbul.
  • 1921 5 August, Appointed Commander - in - Chief by the Grand National Assembly.
  • 1921 23 August, The battle of Sakarya begins with Turkish troops led by Mustafa Kemal.
  • 1921 19 September, Kemal receives the rank of Marshal and the title Gazi (veteran, victorious warrior).
  • 1922 26 August, Gazi Mustafa Kemal begins to lead Great Offensive from the hill of Kocatepe.
  • 1922 30 August, Mustafa Kemal at the Battle of Dumlupinar.
  • 1922 10 September, Enters Izmir.
  • 1922 1 November, The Grand National Assembly abolish the Sultanate.
  • 1923 14 January, Zubeyde Hanim dies in Ä°zmir.
  • 1923 29 January, Mustafa Kemal and Latife UÅŸÅŸakizade marry in Ä°zmir.
  • 1923 29 October, Proclamation of the Republic of Turkey
  • 1923 29 October, Elected first president.
  • 1928 9 August, Speaks at Sarayburnu on the new Turkish alphabet.
  • 1932 12 July, Founds the Turkish Linguistic Society (now the Turkish Language Association).
  • 1934 16 June, The Grand National Assembly passes a law granting him the surname "ATATURK".
  • 1938 10 November, Passes away.
"Men, I am not ordering you to attack. I am ordering you to die. In the time that it takes us to die, other forces and commanders can come and take our place" - Mustafa Kemal orders to the 57th Infantry Regiment, at the Battle of Gallipoli You can read more about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in his Wikipedia entry